Opinion Issue 16 Collateral Management Allustra's Simon Lillystone on a hot topic for hedge funds Simon Lillystone, Allustra
Technical Issue 16 The Silver Bullet Market leadership through process differentiation Laura Mooney, Director of Corporate and Product Marketing, Metastorm
Technical Issue 16 UCITS III Paving the way for cost-effective new generation of swap ETFs Thomas Uhlmann, INDEXCHANGE Investment AG
Research Issue 16 Fixed Income: A Strategy Misjudged? A new look at fixed income hedge fund investing Sanjay Joshi and Rabbani Wahhab, London and Capital
Opinion Issue 16 Hedge Fund IPOs Are managers calling the top of the market? Ben Simpson, Partner, Withers LLP
Opinion Issue 16 Fund Manager Relocation The Jersey offering Jane Stubbs and David Pirouet, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Channel Islands
Research Issue 16 Counting Down to MiFID The data explosion Gavin Quinn, EMEA Business Development Manager, Sybase
Research Issue 16 ‘Remember Why We Started This?’ SWIFT's messaging infrastructure has a lot to offer hedge fund managers Bill Gourlay, SWIFT