Research Issue 110 The Evolving Dynamics of the Hedge Fund Industry The changing nature of prime brokerage relationships EXTRACTS FROM THE EY 2015 GLOBAL HEDGE FUND AND INVESTOR SURVEY
Profile Issue 110 Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners A fund of funds in the ascendant SIMON KERR
Commentary Issue 110 Raising Capital Why emerging funds need new strategies and partners JERRY LEES, CHAIRMAN, LINEAR INVESTMENTS LIMITED
Technical Issue 110 SFT Regulation Comes into Effect on 12 January 2016 Impact on fund managers ANNA MALEVA-OTTO AND RON FELDMAN, SCHULTE ROTH & ZABEL INTERNATIONAL LLP
Commentary Issue 110 The Case for Funds of Hedge Funds Why institutional investors should still consider them PATRICK GHALI, MANAGING PARTNER AND CO-FOUNDER, SUSSEX PARTNERS
Commentary Issue 110 A Cautious Fed and Future Rate Hikes Expect an inflation-based and data-driven approach BLU PUTNAM, CHIEF ECONOMIST AND MANAGING DIRECTOR, CME GROUP
Technical Issue 110 Derivatives Clearing Why have clients lost the right to claim for their losses? ROBERT DANIELL, SENIOR COUNSEL, MACFARLANES LLP
Commentary Issue 110 CFTC Brings (and Settles) Its First Insider-Trading Case Implications for all private fund managers BRIAN T. DALY, JACOB PREISEROWICZ AND SEETHA RAMACHANDRAN, SCHULTE ROTH & ZABEL
Issue 110
Raising Capital
Why emerging funds need new strategies and partners