Sponsored Statement Issue 159 Echelon Health: Preventative Medical Screening Championing personalised over probabilistic medicine
Sponsored Statement Issue 134 ESG and Impact Investing Focus: Pi Foam SFPRD’s “green” fire extinguishing technology Hamlin Lovell
Sponsored Statement Issue 98 In The End It’s The Fundamentals That Count Why the outlook for currencies has rarely been better Interview with ADRIAN OWENS, INVESTMENT DIRECTOR, GAM
Sponsored Statement Issue 87 Innovative Tools to Stand out in a Crowded Market How options are helping hedge funds make a difference STUART FIELDHOUSE
Sponsored Statement Issue 84 Managing Tail Risk With Options Products Appetite remains for the moment STUART FIELDHOUSE
Sponsored Statement Issue 82 Trading Volatility as an Asset Class How hedge fund managers use equity options STUART FIELDHOUSE
Sponsored Statement Issue 81 The Options Landscape for Hedge Funds Are hedge funds making the most out of options opportunities? STUART FIELDHOUSE
Sponsored Statement Interview With Gianmarco Mondani Generating alpha through anticipating earnings revisions INTERVIEW WITH GIANMARCO MONDANI, INVESTMENT DIRECTOR, NON-DIRECTIONAL EQUITIES AT GAM
Sponsored Statement Issue 80 Jersey and the AIFMD Working towards stability and flexibility Geoff Cook, CEO, Jersey Finance
Sponsored Statement Issue 58 Fund of Fund Managers Can Add Value The trick rests in identifying the ones adding value DR OLIVER SCHWINDLER, CAIA, MANAGING PARTNER, HF-ANALYTICS
Sponsored Statement Issue 58 Q&A with Dr. Oliver Schwindler A rigorous quantitative approach to fund of fund selection INTERVIEW BY HAMLIN LOVELL, CONTRIBUTING EDITOR
Sponsored Statement Issue 58 A Keynesian Approach To Investing Wadhwani launches UCITS III product for GAM INTERVIEW WITH DR SUSHIL WADHWANI, CBE, CEO OF WADHWANI ASSET MANAGEMENT